Vavassori Tennis Academy

Vavassori Tennis Academy: a real “Tennis Milanello” open 12 months on 12. To provide each athlete with a training methodology set on an annual schedule divided into periods characterized by objectives and precise method of each area of performance: from the preparatory one, precompetitive, competitive, up to transition periods.

The proposal for an annual program is also in the start-up sectors: those who approach tennis must know from the outset that every sport is a matter of practice overtime





Palazzolo S/O

Alloggio della Villetta

Hotel Europa

Contact us


    May I rent a court, and what would be the cost?

    There’s no court rental services are being offered.

    Do you provide any programs for children, and if so, starting from what age?

    Vavassori Kids System unites all the courses for youngsters currently available at the Vavassori Tennis sports centers focusing on the main “critical points” to consider in the training of young tennis players.

    I’m not familiar with how to play tennis. Are there options available for beginners like me?

    Vavassori Tennis offers a technical staff with specific skills for each area of performance but also for each stage of development, up to adulthood.

    Is there parking available?

    Yes. There’s a parking space available in the academy.

    Do you offer group training sessions?

    Yes, under Adult System, you are able to join on different group training sessions.